Monday, October 22, 2012

Lots of new changes coming in January, 2013! Judy and I are very excited and look forward to seeing what The Lord has in store for us. Keep us in your prayers but if we can assist you in any way with Ministry, Assemblies, Corporate Events, Health and Fitness or Balloon Parties or Activities, please contact us at 614-314-0696. We will have a Web Page up soon @  God bless and keep in touch!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Update With Excitement!!!

Judy and I have had our lives so blessed and challenged in the last few months. For those of you who know us, we have had a struggle at times with our weight and fitness. Last year we were introduced to ViSalus! A most wonderful meal replacement product that can do wonders in a person's life both physically and financially. Little did we know that ViSalus would change our lives for the better in less than one year. With that in mind, we are looking to go part time at our Church, Radiant Life Church, Dublin, Ohio, after the first of the year (2013) and be able to concentrate on doing some things we always wanted to do at this stage of our journey in life.  I have transitioned out of Kids Ministry and am working on Visitation, Hospitals, Newcomers, and Connecting people into our Congregation. At the same time, I am scheduling some events with Chester, My Vent Figure, and Ballooning for 2013. This can be single day events, weekends or Kids Crusades. I have always done at least 3 Kids Crusades or Camps a year since going off the Road but am now giving it my best to conclude our lives in giving back to this ministry and be an encouragement to Pastors and Church Families.

Monday, May 9, 2011

New Balloon Creations By Dean

Here Are Some Of My NEW Creations

Bunny Rabbits

Rocking Horse (Front and Side View)

Special Adjustable Hat (Front and Side View)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Final Two Days of "The Promise", Easter Egg Hunt, and Friend's Day... What a Weekend!!

Well, it is really exciting to be a part of a wonderful church!! Things are really busy right now but I thank God for HIS Strength and Help.  This Thursday and Friday, April 21-22, at 7:30 PM will be the last two nights of "The Promise"!   If you have never seen this presentation and are in the Dublin, Ohio area, you need to try to make it over here.  It is a encounter with Christ from birth through His Death and Resurrection!!  Well over 150 people are part of this Musical Drama!! You can pick up tickets at I Tickets in Columbus, Ohio for reserved seats or come early to secure a seat.  A Free Will Offering will be taken at the conclusion of this event.  The Church is located at 7100 Post Road, Dublin, Ohio!!

On Saturday, April 23, we will celebrate with our Easter Egg Hunt for Children of  RLC and the Community.  It begins at 9:30 AM with a Pancake and Sausage Breakfast, followed by Devotions, Egg Hunt and Inflatables and Rides (weather permitting).  The cost is $5.00 per person or $20.00 per family!!  This is special and you will enjoy!! There will be lots of prizes and candy and I will be giving away several "first" time balloon creations.

Sunday is Easter and we celebrate Christ by having "Friend's Day"!  I hope you will think about joining with us if you do not have a home church you attend.  Lots of wonderful things are in store this day both in Adult Service and Kidzville, USA and the Kidzone!!  It all starts at 10:30 AM!! Right after Life Classes!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Nursery Pictures from RLC, Dublin, Ohio

These pictures have been taken recently of the Infant Nursery Room at Radiant Life Church. Still not completely finished as a Vinyl Fence will be put on a portion of the wall so that small children learning to walk will be able to support themselves.  Thanks to Pastor Carianne for her input and finding the team of ladies to paint.  Thanks to Pastor Eric for his assistance in putting things up.   Enjoy!!!