Thursday, January 14, 2010

Proud Grandpa

Well, this morning about 10 AM Central Time, we were blessed to hear that Aayliah Evelyn Hansen was born into this world to our youngest daughter, Amy Bohl Hansen! She and Peter are so thrilled. They now have two children!! Cole will be two in May and now their little girl, Aayliah. She weighed in at 6 lbs. 8 oz and 18 inches. She is a tiny little girl. Grandma Bohl will be able to get out to Minnesota sometime in February to help Amy and Peter. Amy says the Doctors say everything is good and the baby is healthy. We praise the Lord for his goodness and this precious miracle. We now have seven Grand Children!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Our Newest Grand Daughter Soon To Be Here

Amy is so ready to deliver her new daughter. She said today it is getting hard to get around. We are anxiously waiting to get the call. Aayliah will Grand Daughter #2. She has a bigger brother, Cole, who is almost 2. Will keep all posted!! Keep the family in your prayers.

Judy officially retired this week! She gets to enjoy a little more sleep and just laughs when it starts to snow and the roads look "iffy" and says... "I don't have to go out in this"!! She certainly has worked hard over the years caring for babies both working out of the home for years and then Daycares. Her biggest desire now is to be able to spend some quality time with her Grand Children in Florida, North Carolina and Minnesota.

Blessings to all!!

Kidzville USA is coming along great!! Start a new series this coming Sunday on Money with Kids. I am excited!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Kidzville, USA 2010

Hi Everyone!! 2010 brings to us a wonderful opportunity to do some great things at RLC. Our theme in 2010 is "2010, a time to prepare and send"! It is our goal to work hard on programs that we will be able to take outside the church to bring encouragement to people but also give our kids a chance to minister. With our Dance Team, Puppet Team and Music Kids coming together, we will be able to go to Nursing Homes, Retirement Homes and Special Events. It is my hope that in and through these time we will be able to share our gifts and connect with Senior Adults through letter writing, card sending and special visitation times. I have made some contacts at present but if you have places to go, let me know.

The Kidzone is really rocking these days! Jerry and Marsha Baldaras are working on a "sensor unit" which will trigger sirens, music or unusual sounds every time someone but an offering into one of the Offering Tubes. We had a prototype this past Sunday and the kids loved it. By the way, Don't forget about BGMC Offerings!!

We still need to work on our Nureries and Preschool Rooms. This is the goal for 2010!