Sunday, August 8, 2010

Been A Long Time

Wow!! It has been a long time since I have been on here!! It has been a very busy summer!! It all began with the building of a 13 Ft. Rocket for our VBS. That was so much fun. With the help of a couple of talented ladies who have artist ability and it really came out great. After all that work, it was Operation Space, 2010!! Our VBS was wonderful. We had a wonderful staff of workers and great kids. After a week off, it was off to Heartland and Kids Camp! What a wonderful Camp!! I had the opportunity to be Camp Grandpa!! How about, young me, a Camp Grandpa!! Anyway, I met so many wonderful people of all ages. Well, that was over and I was off to Cedar Falls, Iowa and the Cedar Falls Bible Conference. I have had the privilege of being the evening Kids speaker now for several years. I love this Conference!! It is an Inter-denominational event and I have the opportunity to work with people from all over the world here. As the Conference came to an end, I had the joy of picking up Judy who had been with our youngest daughter and her family in Minnesota. I really missed having Judy around! She was gone for almost a month while I was at VBS, Camp and then Cedar Falls. Now, we are home and life goes on with Kidzville, USA and all the wonderful people of Radiant Life Church. I am a very fortunate person with a wonderful wife, family, church, friends and God!! Thanks for being a friend to me.