Monday, November 15, 2010

Chester and Dean At Radiant Kids Day Care

It has been a pleasure to be a part of Radiant Life Church and their wonderful Day Care, Radiant Kids! This pictures was taken recently after a time of devotions with the children.

This coming Sunday, November 21, Radiant Life Church will be celebrating "Go Ye"! This is one awesome Mission Giving Service! We will also be talking about BGMC (Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge) and asking the children to consider an goal for their own personal giving for 2011.

It is good to be a child of the King of Kings.

Thank you for your love and faithfulness.

Don't forget to plan to see "The Gospel According To Scrooge" . Chester and I open each night and warm the crowd. Get your tickets early! The first two weekends of December!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Here is Chester Sidney Dolittle's new look.  It is great having him back with me.  He was able to visit the kids at Kidzville, USA this past Sunday and Radiant Kids Day Care on Tuesday.  He is ready to settle down now that he is back in Ohio again.  

You will be able to see Chester open at the Gospel According To Scrooge the first two weekend's of December at Radiant Life Church, 7100 Post Road, Dublin, Ohio.

If you have never been able to see the Gospel According To Scrooge, YOU have missed out.  This presentation is packed with humor, great acting, music and a message that will touch your life.  

Check out

Monday, November 8, 2010

Chester Has Returned!! Christmas Just Around The Corner!!

Well, my good friend, Chester Sidney Dolittle, has returned to me from Missouri! He was gone for seven weeks getting a "makeover"!! As I look at him, I really think he may have lost some pounds as well!! He was able to be in Kidzville, USA yesterday and say "hi" to his friends from Radiant Life Church! It was very special.

We are getting ready for our Christmas Celebrations so hope you will prepare yourselves as well. The Gospel According to Scrooge will take place on the first two weekends of December. Our Kids Christmas Party will be held at Post Road Activity Center at 7055 Avery Road on Friday, December 17th. It will be a special time with lots of fun, food and activities. We will have our Kid's Christmas Program on Sunday, December 19th at 10:30 AM. Watch for special announcements as things get closer.