Monday, January 24, 2011

Wonderful Time at "All R Friends" from Dublin and Westerville, Ohio

What a thrill for Chester and myself to be the guests of some wonderful new friends at "All R Friends"! With the assistance of my new friends, we sang, had a time with Chester and created "hearts" from balloons.  We  loved spending time with some awesome people and friends.  I am putting a link to All R Friends on my blog page. Check it out and keep them in your hearts.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Balloon Art from Dean and Chester

Kitty Cat
Young Cow

Race Car
Pumpkin People
Old Man on Rocker
Pumpkin Man

Dr. Ben Lamielle

I wanted to put this post up for all to see. Dr. Ben Lamielle has become a friend and my favorite Dentist in Hilliard. He became our dentist a little over a year ago. He has served us well!! Judy and I really like his work and dental care.  For years I have wanted to have something done with my front teeth! Dr. Ben has done an excellent job. I now have new front teeth and a small partial and they look great.

If you are looking for an excellent dentist in the Hilliard, Ohio area, I highly recommend Dr. Lamielle. You will find his link on the left side of this blog page.

Blessings to all.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Kids Fun Winter Blast Event At Avery Road!!

Check out this event for children of all ages at Radiant Life Church and Radiant Kids Day Care! Please note this event is open to preschool children and elementary age children. The event is FREE but parents are asked to help.  Preschool Children MUST be accompanied by a parent for the evening!  Guess are welcome! Please read over the poster and call to register your child with Pastor Dean for the night.  Call 614-889-8364 or 614-314-0696! You may leave a message.  Snacks provided by families in attendance!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Kidzville Ministries for 2011

I am excited about 2011 at Radiant Life Church in Dublin for Kidzville, USA! By the way, that stands for Kids In Divine Service, Victorious In Living Life Effectively, Under the Savior's Approval!! It certainly is our desire to please our Savior and God!!

What To Expect!!!
I am glad to announce that the Kidz of the Kidzone will have some new "characters" as well as the return of a special friend!! Yep, you will meet Professor Pomegranite, The Tweenie Sisters, and Wild Willie Will is coming back for a visit.  Each of these will be around to help us get to the basics when it comes to living for Christ.  

Special Things Planned!!
We are not only planning to have a Vacation Bible School this summer but a Sport's Camp in August!  Our Clubs are active to help the kids learn and participate in things that will be a blessing to the Church and those outside the Church.  Our clubs include, Puppets, Drama, Dance for Jesus, Crafts for the Needy, Bible Quiz and "Here's What I Believe"!  These take place the 2nd and 4th Sunday's each month.  Don't forget FUN ARTS which will be held the end of April as well as our Special Fun Nights... the first one in Feb. with lots of new stuff planned.

Keep Us With Us!!
Go to the Blog page and check that you would like to be a follower of ours and you will get all the updates as they happen!!

Here are some photos from our "Christmas With The Kidz" at Radiant Life Church!!
The Preschool Bell Choir Getting Ready To Play!!
 The "Dance For Jesus" Dance Team
 Our Drama Team At Their Best
 Drama Goes On
Thank You To All
 Krista Is So Proud Of Our Kids
 Our Kids In Song